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Juvenile Court

Delinquency / Dependency / CINS/FINS / Delinquency Diversion / Restitution and Cost Recovery / Juvenile Resource Agencies / Juvenile Court Resource Center / Court Contacts / Juvenile Justice Flowchart / Community Service Work Site List / Juvenile Court Frequently Asked Questions


The Juvenile Courts in Florida have jurisdiction over criminal felonies and misdemeanor cases for defendants under the age of nineteen (19).


The Juvenile Courts in Florida have jurisdiction over all dependency matters for juveniles up to the age of eighteen (18) years of age.


The Juvenile Courts in Florida also have jurisdiction over CINS/FINS, Children and Families-in-Need-of-Services. This is for families and their child(ren) who do not have a delinquency or a dependency case open. Local programs help families find ways to reduce or stop their children from running away, skipping school and disobeying through screening and assessment, planning for improvement, and counseling. For help from the CINS/FINS program contact the following (available for all counties within the 2nd Judicial Circuit):

  1. Capital City Youth Services
    Kevin Priest, Executive Director
    2407 Roberts Avenue
    Tallahassee, Florida 32310
    850.576.6000, ext. 311
    Fax 850.576.2580
  2. Someplace Else Youth Shelter
    Kevin Winship, Program Services Director
    2407 Roberts Avenue
    Tallahassee, Florida 32310
    850.576.6000, ext. 314
    Fax 850.576.2580

For additional information: see the web site http://www.djj.state.fl.us/Prevention/CINSFINS.html

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Delinquency Diversion

  1. Juvenile Drug Court: The Juvenile Drug Court Program is the most intensive outpatient option available to youth who are arrested and have been determined to have substance abuse issues. The parent/guardian and the youth have the option of consulting with the Public Defender's designated attorney to explore other legal options before accepting Juvenile Drug Court as part of their sentence. These services are available in Leon, Gadsden and Wakulla Counties. For more information please contact:
    Martha Sheetz, M.Ed.
    Juvenile Drug Court Coordinator
  2. Teen Court: Teen Court is one of the most utilized diversion programs in Leon County. According to recent statistics, of those juveniles who are offered a non-judicial diversion program, the State Attorney has referred 45% to Teen Court.
    Teen Court is effective. Offenders who complete the Teen Court program are less likely to re-offend than those who are processed through traditional methods.

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Juvenile Resource Agencies

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Juvenile Court Resource Center

The Court Resource Center for the Second Judicial Circuit is a Judicial Branch resource that provides enhanced court services for the entire community, including attorneys, pro se litigants, and the general public. The purpose is to establish a comfortable environment to work, to conduct legal research, and to distribute general court information. The Center is maintained by Kim Stephens and located in the Leon County Courthouse
301 S. Monroe St
Tallahassee, Florida 32301
Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Phone: 850.606.4423

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Court Contacts

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