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Contact Lists
Florida's Second Judicial Circuit serves Franklin, Gadsden, Jefferson, Leon, Liberty and Wakulla Counties. Servicing a population of over 338,000 the Circuit has sixteen circuit judges and ten county court judges who are managed by the chief judge, with a population of over 338,000. This circuit, which is one of 20 for the state, has sixteen circuit judges and ten county court judges.
There are many individuals associated with the Second Judicial Circuit who support the judiciary: budget and finance, trial and courtroom coordination, court interpreters, court technology, cost containment, space planning, maintenance and capital improvements, court reporting services, human resources, research & data, case management, certification and management of civil process servers, and staffing committees. We have complied the following lists to assit you in finding who you need.
- Circuit Judges
- County Judges
- Magistrates and Hearing Officers
- Arbitrators
- Bench / Bar Committee Members
- Court Staff
- Conflict Attorney Contacts
- Examining Committee Members
- Family Stabilization Course Providers
- Process Servers
- Process Server Review Board
If you need an address please visit the Court Map page.