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Florida's 2nd Judicial Circuit Professionalism Panel
The purpose of the Panel is to receive, screen, evaluate and act upon complaints of conduct inconsistent with the "Standards of Professionalism" as defined in The Supreme Court's opinion, and resolve those complaints informally, if possible, or refer them to The Florida Bar if appropriate or necessary, and to perform all duties and responsibilities required by The Supreme Court of Florida in its opinion "In Re: Code for Resolving Professionalism Complaints". In the performance of its duties and responsibilities, the Panel shall not have the authority to discipline attorneys, and shall not have the authority to compel any attorney to appear before it pursuant to Administrative Order 2013-09
Second Judicial Circuit Professionalism Panel Complaint Form
Local Professionalism Panel Report June 16 - December 15
Second Judicial Circuit Professionalism Panel - Revised January 2024
Name | Melissa VanSickle | Melissa.VanSickle@nelsonmullins.com |
Karen Walker | Karen.Walker@hklaw.com |
Laura Beth Faragasso | lb@osteenosteen.com |
Dawn Whitehurst | dwhitehurst@sniffenlaw.com |
Michael Ruff | ruffm@leoncountyfl.gov |
Elizabeth "Bib" Willis | bibwillis@comcast.net |
Paula Sparkman | psparkman@lawfl.com |
Ian Nesbeth | ian@nesbethlegal.com |
Theresa Sawyer | Theresa_Sawyer@comcast.net theresa.sawyer@flhealth.gov |
Donna Duncan | ddduncan@fairpoint.net |
David Kemp | david@davidkemplaw.com |
Theresa Bixler Proctor | cissyproctor@yahoo.com |
Colin M. Roopnarine | c.roopnarine@gfblawfirm.com |
Mutaqee Akbar | m.akbar@akbarthomas.com |
Ethan A. Way | ethan@waylawfirm.com |
Robert S. "Bob" Cohen | Bob.cohen@doah.state.fl.us |
Gary Roberts | garyr@garyrobertslaw.com |
Sha'Ron James | sjames@gunster.com |
Gwendolyn Adkins | gadkins@coppinsmonroe.com |
James Messer | jim@wrongfullyinjured.com |
Michael Thomas | mike@penningtonlaw.com |
Will Haseleden | will@haseldenlaw.net |
Erin O'Connor | eoconnor@law.fsu.edu |
Revised January 2024
This list is maintained by Paula Wright (Watkins).
If you have any questions please contact her at (850) 606-4422