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CIT Case Study #5:

Four officers, two field training officers and two trainees, responded to a call for police service at a home just north of the Florida State University in early September, 2011. The call was originated by parents of a young man who was experiencing a psychotic episode as a result of his diagnosis of Bipolar disorder. The following paragraph came to NAMI on the following day.

Dear NAMI Tallahassee,
I want to thank NAMI for their work with law enforcement. Also, I want you to know that it is working. I am truly thankful to the officers and their kind compassionate treatment of our son when they got to his home in response to my call. The 911 officer who took my call was efficient, clear, and kept me calm while I was driving to his house. He was able to get officers to our son’s home very quickly. I asked him to please send CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) officers and he did. We actually had two CIT officers and two in training. They were all phenomenal. They were compassionate, efficient and able to talk to our son and listen to him to find out what was happening. I am so thankful to them for being so kind to my son. He apparently trusted them because he talked to them and gave them his story. I have dreaded the first time that he would have to be Baker Acted, but they took care of the situation with respect and dignity.

Thanks again for the work you do with Crisis Intervention Training for law enforcement officers.

Appreciative parents

This young man was hospitalized for the second time in early December, 2011. Again transported by the Tallahassee Police Department, his parents were once again highly complementary of officers responding to the call.

Calls that are completely "routine" for officers are anything but routine for those receiving law enforcement services. Officers that add value to a police response by taking a little extra time and by treating people with the dignity and respect that they deserve are a credit to themselves, their organizations and the profession as a whole.