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Judge David Frank

Judicial Assistant Tracy Douglas
Judge Frank earned his Bachelor of Science from the United States Military Academy, West Point, his Master of International Public Policy from Johns Hopkins University's School of Advanced International Studies in Washington D.C., and his Juris Doctorate with High Honors from the Florida State University’s College of Law.
Judge Frank served as a United States Army Infantry Platoon Leader and Special Forces (“Green Beret”) Detachment Commander with assignments at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and overseas service in Central America. After his military service, Judge Frank was an Intelligence Analyst for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) where he authored classified publications and provided briefings to policymakers that included the President, Vice President, Cabinet members, the National Security Council, Congress, and other senior executive branch officials.
Judge Frank began his legal career serving the State of Florida as an Assistant Attorney General where he represented the Governor and state agencies in complex class action lawsuits in federal and state court. He then founded and managed his own law firm where he represented clients in every county in our circuit and was the lead trial counsel for numerous jury trials in state and federal courts. His recognitions as an attorney included US News and World Report Best Lawyers in America and Florida Trend Magazine's Legal Elite. He was awarded the Martin Luther King, Jr. Foundation of Florida Humanitarian Award, and is a Legal Services of North Florida Founder of Justice.
Judge Frank was elected Circuit Judge in Florida's Second Judicial Circuit in 2018. He has served as the presiding judge for juvenile delinquency, probate and guardianship in Leon County and is currently the circuit civil judge for Gadsden and Liberty Counties.
Policies, Procedures and Preferences for cases assigned to Judge David Frank can be found at the "Manuals, Forms & Procedures" section of this website.