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Judge Ronald W. Flury

Photo of Judge Ronald W. Flury

Judicial Assistant Linda Willis

     Prior to being elected Leon County Judge in 2006, and re-elected in 2012 without opposition, the Honorable Ronald W. Flury was a Felony Division Chief in the Office of the State Attorney for the Second Judicial Circuit of Florida. He is one of only two Assistant State Attorneys to have served as the lead prosecutor in jury trials which resulted in verdicts in each of the six counties in the circuit.

     While serving as a Leon County Judge, Judge Flury served as the Administrative Judge, Felony Drug Court Judge, and the Mental Health Court Judge. During his tenure, he was the recipient of the Florida Conference of County Court Judges Harvey Ford Award, the National Association of Mental Illness Iris Award, and the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Humanitarian Award. He was also recognized by the Florida Veterans Foundation as the first judge to preside over the Leon County Veterans Stand-Down Court and was honored to do so for several years.

     In 2018, Judge Flury was elected without opposition as a Circuit Judge for the Second Judicial Circuit, and he was re-elected without opposition in 2024. Judge Flury has presided over cases in every division of the circuit court. Additionally, while a circuit judge, he was the recipient of the Parks and Crump Judicial Excellence Award and the Tallahassee Chapter of the American Board of Trial Attorneys Jurist of the Year. Judge Flury has also been appointed by the Florida Supreme Court to serve as a mentor judge to newly appointed and elected judges.

     Currently, Judge Flury is assigned to Gadsden and Liberty Counties presiding over criminal cases.

Policies, Procedures and Preferences for cases assigned to Judge Ronald Flury can be found at the "Manuals, Forms & Procedures" section of this website.