How to Dress for Court
Teen Court strives to maintain a professional atmosphere. Please adhere to the following rules or you will not be given credit for attending:
- No cell phones or electronic media devices are to be used in the courtroom and phones must be OFF during proceedings
- No shorts of any length
- No hats
- No short skirts or dresses (2 inches above the knee is ok)
- No tank tops or bare shoulders. You will need a cover-up for court proceeding
- No shirts that expose your stomach or that are low cut
- No flip flops or slide-in shoes. Sandals must have a strap on the back
- No sweatpants or torn jeans
- All pants and shorts will be worn at the waist—no exceptions
The first time you are in violation of the dress code you will be given a warning. Anytime thereafter, you will lose credit for that evening. When in doubt---DON’T wear it!
** Remember that you never get a second chance to make a first impression**