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Communicating With Judge Sjostrom's Office About Pending Cases

Judge Sjostrom is restricted by principles of judicial ethics from communicating about pending cases outside of hearings or documents filed in the court file and served on all parties. This restriction also applies to Judge Sjostrom's judicial assistant, Ms. Gauss.

Impartiality is the most basic principle of judicial ethics. It means that all parties to a pending case are included in all communications with the court regarding that matter - no party has special or secret access to the judge. Communication to the judge without prior notice to the opponent is “ex parte” and improper except in extreme circumstances and as specifically provided by applicable law. If the litigant does not know of any applicable law permitting a particular ex parte communication it is improper.

Judge Sjostrom will not discuss his cases with any party outside of a hearing. Ms. Gauss cannot take a message from a litigant or other person to Judge Sjostrom.

Communication with Judge Sjostrom regarding cases assigned to him can take two forms:
1. Written documents filed in the court file and served on all parties; and
2. Hearings (including final hearings and trials).

Ms. Gauss's responsibility is to schedule hearings and maintain Judge Sjostrom's calendar. Once a motion is filed or the matter is ready to be set for a final hearing or trial, the lawyer or litigant may call Ms. Gauss to schedule a hearing. Ms. Gauss may discuss potential dates and times for hearings. Ms. Gauss is not permitted to discuss anything regarding disputes pending before Judge Sjostrom with anyone for any purpose.

Since Ms. Gauss cannot make decisions on disputed matters and cannot communicate to Judge Sjostrom regarding things litigants say about disputed matters, no purpose is served by telling her about disputes.

Neither Judge Sjostrom or Ms. Gauss are permitted to give legal advice. “Legal advice” means suggesting things that might be filed, evaluating the sufficiency of information on a form, interpretation of any document, evaluating the conduct of an opposing party or lawyer, and giving an opinion about the likelihood of success of an action in litigation. Judge Sjostrom decides cases and motions. Judge Sjostrom does not give legal advice. Ms. Gauss does not decide cases or motions and does not give legal advice.

For pro se litigants, Ms. Gauss is authorized to provide contact information for Legal Services of North Florida and the Tallahassee Bar Association Legal Aid Foundation. Family law forms are available from the Leon County Clerk of Court's Office on the first floor of the courthouse.

Family law forms are designed for use by everyone, but are especially helpful to individuals who wish to represent themselves (pro se) in court matters related to family law. Please go to Form Rules for forms and more information.